Uniforms can be purchased from the website below:
The bottoms can be purchased at Walmart, Target, or Durable wear uniforms and must be either navy blue or khaki. The tops must be purchased from Queensboro uniforms and can be light blue, hunter green, or burgundy. You can have items shipped here to avoid shipping charges. All students are required to wear uniforms in the Prek2 classroom Monday through Thursday. On Friday they get a free dress day.
Virtual Enrichment Programs
Parents we have an amazing online enrichment program for our students that starts on October 26th and ends December 18th, 2020. Please see the catalog and the signup sheet is on the last page. Students have 7 different programs to choose from that include sports, cartooning, challenges, magic, soccer skills, and chess.

Distant Learning Classes
If you are interested in distant learning classes, please let us know. We started the New Online Academy session on September 08, 2020. We are still enrolling if you are interested.
October 2020 News
A Note From Our Principal
Dear Families,
Welcome to our Fifth month of the 2020-2021 School year! We were super excited to re-open our school on June 17, 2020. We are enjoying our time with our students here on campus! Its good to see children learning and having fun!
Please note our current hours are 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.
Mrs. Lucy Nunez, Principal
Our school is open and we are offering brick and mortar classes and distant learning options (New classes start on September 08, 2020). We are still registering for our next 2020-2021 school year. If you haven’t registered please let me know as soon as possible.
For our new inquiries you can click here and join us for our Bingo Challenge and get to know a little more about our curriculum. If you decide to enroll you get 5 free raffle tickets for a prize announced on our Halloween Parade. Please email us lucy.nunez@merryhillschool.com for enrollment information.
Click here for the Bingo Challenge: BINGO CHALLENGE
For parent references please click the link below:
Spread the word and save on tuition!
Do you have a friend or family member who is looking for additional enrichment and learning for their preschooler during the day? Refer them to our Brick/Mortar classes or our Distance Learning program to earn one free week of tuition. Contact us for more details!
Holidays -School Closed
Nov 11, 2020
Nov 26, 2020
Nov 27, 2020
Dec 23, 2020
Dec 24, 2020
Dec 25, 2020
Dec 31, 2020
Jan 01, 2021
Jan 18, 2021
Feb 15, 2021
May 31, 2021
Professional Development Day Closures-School Closed
*maybe subject to change
Nov 06,2020 (Conferences)
Mar 05, 2021
Mar 26, 2021 Conferences)
June 04, 2021** Changed
Report Cards to Parents
Nov 05, 2020
March 25, 2021
June 03, 2021 **changed
Links to Learning Curriculum
October 2020 Monthly Themes
Snack Menu
Our “Wellness” curriculum component is using the following website at http://www.choosemyplate.gov/kids/ to ensure the nutrition of our students. Please look for our snack menu please let us know if you have any suggestions for our snack menu or would like recipes for home use.
Celebrations help our students meet our learning component in “Community and Environment”. If you would like to share a family tradition with our students, please let us know. Embracing diversity is a social skill that will help our students in the long run when traveling or building friendships.
This year due to the restrictions of COVID19, we will not be having a celebration with parents here this month. However, our students are still celebrating on campus.
This month we will have our annual “PUMPKIN PATCH” event on Tuesday, October 27, 2020. All students are welcomed to join us regardless of their schedules! Online students too! Students will be able to decorate their pumpkins afterwards with their friends. Please email us how many pumpkins you need and we will bill your account. Pumpkins will be $5.00 each.
On Friday, October 30, 2020 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm. We will have a party along with a parade. Students are welcomed to dress up in their favorite make believe costumes. No blood, weapons, or scary costumes please. There will be a prize for the most creative costume! Our parade will be outside and teachers will be passing out candy to students. This is a safe place to our students to enjoy. Due to the pandemic, our school will be buying all the candy this year. No donations will be needed.
The Parade will start promptly at 3:30 pm. We will send parents a link through zoom so that parents and our Online Academy students can enjoy the parade. Online Students are welcomed to come to school and join the parade.
Back to School Video of Fun Activities 2020
Back to School Video 1071 (click this link to view all pictures)
Book Fair!
Virtual Book Fair on SEPT 22- OCT 5, 2021. Please click on the link below to order and to share with other family members and friends!
To start shopping for books Scholastic Book Fair 1071
Picture Day
Picture day will be Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 8:00 am until 11:00 am. If your child is not scheduled to come on Thursday, parents are still welcomed to come and have their child’s picture taken, however, they would need to stay with their children. No money is due at this time. We do have a new system for the pictures that we will disclose on a separate email.
Please note that the pictures will be taken outside and the photographer will not be able to have contact with any of our students. Social distancing protocols will be in place including masks for the photographer. If you are not comfortable with your child taking pictures, please let us know right away. Sibling pictures can be requested. No class pictures will be done at this time.
Merryhill School Uniforms and School Spirit
All students can go to the website below and order uniforms or school spirit gear. From now to Oct 16, 2020 there will extra specials on the website for parents. Backpacks, towels, hats, jackets, etc.
We will be having school spirit days once a month going forward on the last day of every month.
The bottoms can be purchased at Walmart, Target, or Durable wear uniforms and must be either navy blue or khaki. The tops must be purchased from Queensboro uniforms and can be light blue, hunter green, or burgundy. You can have items shipped here to avoid shipping charges. All students are required to wear uniforms in the Prek2 classroom Monday through Thursday. On Friday they get a free dress day.
Virtual Enrichment Programs
Virtual Enrichment Catalog and Signup Sheet
Parents we have an amazing online enrichment program for our students that starts on October 26th and ends December 18th, 2020. Please see the catalog and the signup sheet is on the last page. Students have 7 different programs to choose from that include sports, cartooning, challenges, magic, soccer skills, and chess.
Distant Learning Classes
If you are interested in distant learning classes, please let us know. We started the New Online Academy session on September 08, 2020. We are still enrolling if you are interested.
Kids Helping Kids
Every summer our students chose an organization to help that supports children. This summer we chose the “Feed the Kiddos Organization” (Feedthekiddos.org) through the Second Harvest Food Bank because they feed children in the summer months when schools are closed. Our students raised $150 for the Second Harvest Food Bank.
We wanted to share the coverage this week for Merryhill School’s donation in the Mercury News: https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/09/24/milpitas-community-briefs-for-the-week-of-sept-25/.
Merryhill’s Facebook Page
Our students are continuously posted on our Facebook page! Please share with your friends and family.
From Our Education Department
Fun Fall Scavenger Hunt for Preschoolers
Read More »
Parent Reminders:
Parent Videos & Photos
If you are video-taping or taking pictures at our school they must be only of your child. Please do not post videos or pictures of other children as it is a violation of their privacy. If you have accidentally posted pictures or videos of other children, please remove them immediately. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Nut-free School
We have a nut-free policy at our school. Please keep all peanut items at home. We have children with severe allergies.
Medication and Sunscreen Policy Reminder
Just a friendly reminder that our medication policy states that we can only administer medicine that has been prescribed by a doctor. We cannot administer over the counter medication without a doctor’s note with explicit instructions on how to administer it.
Regarding sunscreen, if you would like your child’s teacher to apply sunscreen throughout the summer months, please complete the “Sunscreen Authorization Form” located in the front office. We ask that you bring your child in their own sunscreen and apply a coat of sunscreen before they come to school. All sunscreen will be applied after nap unless noted differently by a parent.
Automatic Withdrawal
No checks necessary! Enroll in our Automatic Payment Program and never write another check for your monthly tuition or pay another late payment. Tuition can be automatically deducted from your checking account. You can find more information about ACH in the front office. Let us help you sign up today!
Credit Cards
We NOW take credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, and Discover) at Merryhill school.
Merryhill School
© 2020 All Rights Reserved Spring Education Group