All students can go to the website below and order school spirit gear, backpacks, towels, hats, jackets, etc.

Spirit wear can be purchased from the website below:
Merryhill’s Facebook Page
Our students are continuously posted on our Facebook page! Please share with your friends and family.
From Our Education Department
Parent Reminders:
Parent Videos & Photos
If you are video-taping or taking pictures at our school they must be only of your child. Please do not post videos or pictures of other children as it is a violation of their privacy. If you have accidentally posted pictures or videos of other children, please remove them immediately. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Nut-free School
We have a nut-free policy at our school. Please keep all peanut items at home. We have children with severe allergies.
Medication and Sunscreen Policy Reminder
Just a friendly reminder that our medication policy states that we can only administer medicine that has been prescribed by a doctor. We cannot administer over the counter medication without a doctor’s note with explicit instructions on how to administer it.
Regarding sunscreen, if you would like your child’s teacher to apply sunscreen throughout the summer months, please complete the “Sunscreen Authorization Form” located in the front office. We ask that you bring your child in their own sunscreen and apply a coat of sunscreen before they come to school. All sunscreen will be applied after nap unless noted differently by a parent.
Automatic Withdrawal
No checks necessary! Enroll in our Automatic Payment Program and never write another check for your monthly tuition or pay another late payment. Tuition can be automatically deducted from your checking account. You can find more information about ACH in the front office. Let us help you sign up today!
Credit Cards
We take credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, and Discover) at Merryhill school.
June 2021 News
Dear Families,
Welcome June! This month we will end one school year and start another. Say aloha to those bound for Kinder and welcome returning and new friends. We are planning on a lot of fun activities for this summer. Come join us!
Please note our current hours are 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.
Ms. Darice Johnson, Vice Principal
We are now registering for the 2021-2022 schoolyear. You are welcomed to email me for more information at my email below.
For our new inquiries you can click here and join us for our Bingo Challenge and get to know a little more about our curriculum. Please email us for enrollment information.
Click here for the Bingo Challenge: BINGO CHALLENGE
For parent references please click the link below:
Spread the word and save on tuition!
Do you have a friend or family member who is looking for additional enrichment and learning for their preschooler during the day? Refer them to our Brick/Mortar classes or our Distance Learning program to earn one free week of tuition. Contact us for more details!
Holidays -School Closed
July 5th 4th of July holiday
Professional Development Day Closures-School Closed
June 3rd and 4th
August 16th to 20th
Report Cards to Parents
November 22nd 2021
February 17th 2022
Links to Learning Curriculum
May 2021 Monthly Themes
Snack Menu
Our “Wellness” curriculum component is using the following website at to ensure the nutrition of our students. Please look for our snack menu please let us know if you have any suggestions for our snack menu or would like recipes for home use.
Lunch Caterer
We are working on hiring a new caterer. More information to come.
Celebrations help our students meet our learning component in “Community and Environment”. If you would like to share a family tradition with our students, please let us know. Embracing diversity is a social skill that will help our students in the long run when traveling or building friendships.
Father’s Day celebration: Father’s Day falls after the end of the school year and we want to make sure our current dads know how wonderful we think that they are. Our teachers are working on something special for our great dads.
At the end of May we had our Celebrations of Success. We utilized our parking lot, social distanced and had the teachers highlight the successes of the school year with the children. Certificates and goodie bags went home with each child and the feedback was positive. This will become a yearly event!
Our online students, lead by Ms. Beverly, also had their Moving On celebration this week. Thank you Ms. Beverly for having such great activities to keep our students excited about learning.
Parent/Teachers Conferences
We will see you in November for our next parent teacher conferences.
We did highlight an important subject which was parenting styles. We highly recommend that parents be on the same parenting style recommended. In this website, parents can take a quiz to find out their parenting style. The website also make recommendations to parenting classes if needed. This is a great resource.
In our last parent/teacher conference we discuss the CDC developmental milestones for children. I have included the link again because it has some great resources.
Please let us know if you need a parent/teacher conference if you have any concerns throughout the year.
Merryhill School School Spirit
All students can go to the website below and order school spirit gear, backpacks, towels, hats, jackets, etc.
Merryhill’s Facebook Page
Our students are continuously posted on our Facebook page! Please share with your friends and family.
From Our Education Department
Parent Reminders:
Parent Videos & Photos
If you are video-taping or taking pictures at our school they must be only of your child. Please do not post videos or pictures of other children as it is a violation of their privacy. If you have accidentally posted pictures or videos of other children, please remove them immediately. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Nut-free School
We have a nut-free policy at our school. Please keep all peanut items at home. We have children with severe allergies.
Medication and Sunscreen Policy Reminder
Just a friendly reminder that our medication policy states that we can only administer medicine that has been prescribed by a doctor. We cannot administer over the counter medication without a doctor’s note with explicit instructions on how to administer it.
Regarding sunscreen, if you would like your child’s teacher to apply sunscreen throughout the summer months, please complete the “Sunscreen Authorization Form” located in the front office. We ask that you bring your child in their own sunscreen and apply a coat of sunscreen before they come to school. All sunscreen will be applied after nap unless noted differently by a parent.
Automatic Withdrawal
No checks necessary! Enroll in our Automatic Payment Program and never write another check for your monthly tuition or pay another late payment. Tuition can be automatically deducted from your checking account. You can find more information about ACH in the front office. Let us help you sign up today!
Credit Cards
We take credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, and Discover) at Merryhill school.