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February News

A Message From the Principal:

February will be another busy month for our Merryhill students.

Plan to join us for the Sock Hop on Thursday, 02/12/15 from 3:30pm until 5:30pm. Complimentary to all families, we will have games for the children, food, drinks, and lots of music and dancing!

The month of “hearts” will find children engaged in Random Acts of Kindness activities. We will discuss what it means to be kind to others and why we enjoy when others are kind to us. Through these children…our future…we will teach and share acts of kindness.

Parents may enjoy a night out while we take care of your children. Drop the children off at school while you dine at the Ranch House Restaurant (a fund-raiser for our PTO).

Visit the kindergarten class and ask them about the naming of craters on Mercury. Our students participated in a NASA initiated contest to name new craters discovered on Mercury. While they researched, discussed, and studied our solar system, students had fun creating names for the Mercury craters.

Join us for our annual Art Exhibit on March 27th. This year, the entire school participated in entering art pieces for the show. I’m very excited about sharing our talent with families and the community. We have special guests from the art community, including the Art Curator from Zappos and educators from the College of Southern Nevada.


Kathy Okazaki, Principal

News from Our Education Department

Learning About the Uses and Benefits of Technology

Children today have many opportunities to interact with technology for entertainment value and learning. Most often we think of children using computer technology, including handheld devices loaded with games, books, music and movies. In moderation, these devices can aid in children’s learning and development.

Within our academic curriculum, we involve children in activities and reflection on ways that technology can improve our understanding of the world around us, help us do our jobs, and make the world a better place. We help children see how the understanding of science and math moves technology forward, and that someday they too might create new and improved ways to do things.

Below are a few ways that we integrate technology in our classrooms and some ideas to try at home.

In the classroom: Beginning in our Intermediate program, students learn common technology vocabulary, such as mouse, keyboard and email. Students also explore the double meaning of verbs that describe online and offline activities, such as “tapping” and “surfing”.

At home: Dot. by Randi Zuckerberg is a great book to read with your child to continue the learning at home. Dot, the main character, is a tech savvy little girl who leaves her electronic devices at home while she taps, swipes and shares in the real world.

In the classroom: Teachers encourage our older preschoolers to use technology as a tool to express themselves. For example, students use a camera to take photos of seasonal changes outdoors and write what they observed in their journal. This activity promotes creativity and provides a fun opportunity to practice writing skills.

At home: Allow your child to explore his world using digital photography tools. Ask him to describe his photos and explain why he chose those objects or locations to photograph. Encourage him to use descriptive language and emotion vocabulary.
In summary, we provide numerous opportunities for children to explore technology in our classrooms. Through these activities, children become excited to use technology educationally, and are better prepared to use technology in elementary school and beyond.

– Lauren Starnes, PhD- Director of Early Childhood Education

Reminders For Parents

Merryhill Grand Teton is a nut free school.

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