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October Newsletter

The Fall season is upon us and as this marks the beginning of the hectic holidays, we will make time at school to celebrate family and friends. On the school lunch menu when you see a light bulb, this indicates the day classes will have a kindness topic to discuss at lunch. Teachers will engage students in conversation to develop vocabulary and encourage ideas about kindness.

Your children will learn about safety this month with a visit from our local firefighters, police and emergency medical personnel. Teachers will discuss how to stay safe and why we admire the heroes in our community who keep us safe.

Please join us at the Fall Festival on Saturday, October 17th from 10 am until 2 pm at the Gilcrease Bird Sanctuary. It will be a day filled with food, fun, and friends!

Plan to attend the Mad Science event on 10/21/15 at 6 pm. Your family will experience fun and interesting pre-school science activities. Make memories together while learning!

At the end of the month, your child will enjoy visiting all the Merryhill classes, collecting treats while participating in the costume parade. On October 29th, have your child wear his/her favorite costume to school.

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