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Marvelous March

March is rushing in and Spring is upon us.  Have you seen our 6 new baby fish in the lobby?  They are getting bigger every day and are quite the topic of conversation among our students.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the Annual Parent Survey.  The results are in and we so appreciate your feedback.  Your comments and suggestions help us to continue to improve our program.

We have an incredibly busy month ahead so please mark these important dates on your calendar:

  • February 29th, March 1st and March 2nd–Lifetouch School Portraits
  • March 3rd–The Cat in the Hat visits Merryhill Henderson.
  • March 7th-11th–Scholastic Book Fair (a schedule of daily events should have come home with your child.  If you cannot locate this schedule, please check with someone at the front desk.)
  • March 11th–Pizza Friday
  • March 12th–Open House
  • March 18th–Classroom Spring Parties and Bagpipe Presentation
  • March 21st-25th–Spring Break Camp
  • March 28th-April 1st–St. Jude’s Trike-a-Thon Week

For more information regarding any of the above activities, please check with someone at the front desk.

A couple of reminders:

  • Please check with your child’s teacher to make sure that there is a complete change of clothes here for your child in case of an accident.
  • I know that parking is limited and can be difficult during certain times of the day.  Unless you have a visible handicapped permit in your car, please do not park in the handicapped spot in front of the school.  We do have a handful of families who truly need that spot and find it difficult when it is not available.

As always, thank you for all of your wonderful support.  You help to make our school an amazing place for children.  I have to tell you that I think the highlight of my day is when I hear your little ones shout out “Hi Mrs. “Loofer!”  and run to give me that hug or wave at me with that smile that stretches from ear to ear.  That’s when I know that I truly have the best job ever!


Melody Luther–Principal

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