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Parent Testimonials

“My two children attend Merryhill, one in first grade and the other in kindergarten. They have been students there since preschool. The teachers have gone above and beyond to support my children, who sometimes needed more attention in certain areas. As parents, we are grateful for the caring environment and excellent education. Our children are thriving at Merryhill and love going to school. Thank you, Merryhill, for everything you do. I’ve got happy kids…  and we are happy parents.”



“Merryhill Snow Trail is a fantastic school that I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a strong curriculum in a warm and supportive environment. My daughter started at Merryhill preschool when she was 3, where she spent two fantastic years with the teachers there. Now she is in Kindergarten at the elementary school and enjoys going to school every day. The transition from preschool to Kindergarten was seamless and it was clear that the curriculum she received in preschool was designed to help her excel in elementary school. I have been so impressed with her academic progress, curiosity about the world, social/ emotional development, and interest in activities. Each morning, she is warmly greeted by the faculty as we enter school, and this support and connection can be seen in her development. The school offers many options for social/ community engagement as well as optional activities during after care hours. My daughter participates in dance, cheer, and soccer after school on top of music, PE, Spanish and technology specialty classes to complement the core curriculum. I am thrilled she has the opportunity to be exposed to so many disciplines in one day. Her primary teacher Mrs. Tomasello is loving, supportive, and an excellent teacher. Her approach to the core curriculum is so effective that my daughter is reading and writing already in kindergarten. We are looking forward to watching our daughter continue to bloom at Merryhill.”

– Rachel N.

I’m grateful to Merryhill’s teachers and staff for providing such a nurturing and safe environment for my son. I considered long and hard about what type of daycare/pre-school would give my child a strong foundation for how he approaches learning and socializing as he matures. Merryhill on Snow Trail offers a blend of play-based and academic instruction that is the right balance for us. He loves all the art, reading, and learning. I was wow’d by how quickly his language and counting skills advanced once he started (at age 2).
The school makes a strong effort to plan activities and events for the school community. As transplants from the East Coast, being able to connect with other parents for local information and playdates was essential in the early months of our move.
My son loves his friends and his teachers, and comes home happy. The proof is in the pudding.
~ Janetti (mom to Jaymes)

My daughter told me, “Mom, you should have sent me to Merryhill sooner! My old school never taught me how to read they just gave us books and told us to read and it wasn’t working for me…and I really like learning how to read at Merryhill. I really love Merryhill”. 

She actually said that it was my fault that I kept her at her old school this long because she was getting zero literacy instruction, and wishes she attended Merryhill instead of her old school. I told her I do regret not sending her to Merryhill in August like I wanted to, and she agrees that would have been better for her. Of course there were other factors for why we kept her at her old school (that had nothing to do with me, but I’m okay being blamed as it doesn’t matter, I still regret the results!). 

In 4 days at Merryhill (+ 5 tutoring lessons with her reading interventionist), Isla has been reading exponentially better. Starting today, I read all the time with her whenever I get a chance- she will look at my texts and read them aloud! She will read random sentences she sees in magazines or on the iPad closed caption. And of course we read books and she reads along with me….This NEVER happened ever. 

This is just the beginning of a beautiful journey together. But I wanted to share that already, you have made such miraculous progress with Isla and I am so grateful for you all, especially Ms. T who has a gift for teaching literacy to young minds. Thank you for taking Isla under your wing- I am so forever grateful and we will always talk about Ms. T, Ms. Y, and Linda at Merryhill, the the leaders and school that helped remediate Isla’s literacy deficits and in her future at Merryhill she will excel in literacy. 

-Monica M.