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August Newsletter

We have rolled into August already!  It has now been a month since your child made the transition into their new classroom.  We are very excited to see how everyone has adjusted so well.  Evidence of Learning is everywhere, the children are exploring new things, the garden is looking great and the teachers are enjoying their new class.

Thank  you to everyone who made it to our Back to School/Science Night.   It was so much fun.  We are looking forward to the upcoming Fall events.

Here at Merryhill, we love to take pictures.  Parents Shares is a new way we like to keep you in tune with what your child is doing here at school.  Be on the look out for an email sent to you weekly during the day with a picture and short descriptor of what your child is doing in that moment.

Sincerely,  Stephanie Gill/Principal



August 7- All school YELLOW day! Wear the color YELLOW to school

August 13- All school RED day! Wear the color RED to school/Noah’s Ark Animal Workshop-those children signed up

August 14-  School Closed- Professional Development Day

August 21-  All school BLUE day! Wear the color BLUE to school

August 28-  All school GREEN day! Wear the color GREEN to school

**September 11- all grandparents are invited to attend a luncheon in honor of them at 11am**


 All School Theme “Our World of Colors”  Join us in celebrating our World of Colors!

During the next four weeks we will explore our world of colors!  Each week will be dedicated to a special color, and all activities will be based on the color of the week.  Children come dressed to school in each of the different colors on the last day of the week!

Friday August 7th -come dressed to school in YELLOW

Friday August 13th-come dressed to school in RED

Thursday August 21st -come dressed to school in  BLUE

Friday August 28th -come dressed to school in GREEN

Parent Ambassador Program
If there is one thing that parents love to do, it’s talk about their children’s successes. When friends ask you about your child’s experience at Merryhill, what type of success stories do you share? Do you mention the personal and educational discoveries that your child is making thanks to our advanced curriculum? Do you talk about the new levels of self and social confidence your child has gained thanks to our encouraging atmosphere?

Whatever the glowing reports you deliver about how your child is growing with his or her education, we couldn’t be more appreciative. In fact, we’d like to show you just how thankful we are for your endorsements. Now when you tell other parents about our school, you can become a Merryhill School Parent Ambassador!

For every new child you refer who enrolls at our school and starts by September 8th , You’ll receive $500 off of tuition!

Links to Learning is Fun!

Links to Learning is a program that brings teachers and parents closer.  At the end of  each month a folder will be given to you containing information about the developmental skills your child had learned that month, and what to expect with the curriculum in the next month.  Spanish will also be included in this folder.  When you pick-up your child’s Links to Learning Folder at the end of each month, it is important for you to remove  all information  and return the empty folder to your child’s teacher so she can start to prepare it for the next month.


From the Education Department:  Reestablishing Routines for Your Preschooler Maintaining Order & Staying on Track

As we reach the end of summer, now is a great time to reestablish comforting routines for your preschooler. Routines help children build self-confidence and independence, cope with transitions, and gain a better understanding of the world around them.

Our Links to Learning curriculum promotes students’ social and emotional development, which is necessary for following directions and demonstrating self-control. Our teachers focus on the importance of healthy living and safety routines in the Wellness component of our curriculum.

Here are some examples of ways we establish routines in the classroom, as well as ideas for you and your child to do at home.

TODDLERS (ages 1-2):

In the classroom: Naptime gives children an opportunity to recharge and reboot. Our toddlers transition from napping in cribs to napping in cots. Teachers schedule naps at the same time and in the same area of the classroom every day. Soothing music is played to help toddlers wind down.

At home: Talk with your child’s teacher about the naptime routine at school. Minimize naptime battles by attempting to maintain the same routine at home.

Recommended reading: Naptime by Elizabeth Verdick

BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):

In the classroom: Around age two, children begin to learn basic self-help skills such as dressing themselves. Our Beginner students practice snaps and zippers, and are encouraged to complete basic sequences like putting on socks before shoes.

At home: Offer your child a choice during routines in order to increase his interest in the activity. For example, lay out two outfit options for him to wear. Allow him to choose the outfit he prefers. Give him ample time to dress himself before offering assistance.  Praise every attempt.

Recommended reading: Let’s Get Dressed by Caroline Church


In the classroom: Teachers focus on the importance of sleep in the Wellness component of our curriculum. Students read and act out We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Helen Oxenbury and Michael Rosen. They discuss why the bear was sleeping, and why sleep is important.

At home: Create a bedtime routine for your child. For example, bathe, brush teeth, read a story, go to sleep. Follow the same sequence of events at the same time and in the same order every night.

Recommended reading:  The Going-to-Bed Book by Sandra Boynton

PRE-K/PRE-K 2 (ages 4-5):

In the classroom: Our older students follow an arrival routine at the start of every school day. They sign themselves in, say goodbye to their parents, and put away their belongings. Students learn rhymes and songs to help remind themselves what to do when they enter the classroom.

At home: Mornings are critical for setting the tone for a successful and positive day. Establish a morning routine for your child with a maximum of four steps. For example, get dressed, brush hair, brush teeth, eat breakfast.

Recommended reading: Waking Up is Hard to Do by Neil Sedaka & Howard Greenfield

Following routines helps children develop the habits of responsibility that will be crucial for their future success and well-being. Kindergarten students are expected to follow instructions, listen to their teacher and complete specific tasks. By setting routines in the preschool years, your child will be better prepared as he enters elementary school and beyond.

– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education

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