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From the Principal’s Office:  Spring is around the corner and the children are enjoying being able to go outside and watch the trees and the flowers change.  We are also hoping and wishing this year we will be able to catch the sneaky leprechaun this year.  We are starting the month off with Dr. Seuss Week and on Wednesday we will be doing Wacky Wednesday, the children are encouraged to dress wacky and show it during our annual Fashion Show.

We will also be taking Spring pictures and Cap and Gown photos on March 24th and 25th.  Please look on your child’s classroom door as the days get closer to see when they are scheduled to be taken.

We will also be having our Egg Hunt and Spring Classroom Parties on March 25th.  So please look on your child’s classroom door to sign up to bring in a Potluck Dish.

Have a great month!

Nieva Gatbonton




3/2:          Dr. Seuss’s Birthday

3/2:          Wacky Wednesday Parade and Fashion Show

3/4:          Pajama Day

3/7:          Professional Development Day  *  SCHOOL CLOSED *

3/12:        Open House 10 am- 1pm for Inquiries Only

3/13:        Daylight Saving Begin

3/14:        Cooking Class with Ms. Michaela Begins

3/17:         St. Patrick’s Day

3/20:        First Day of Spring

3/21:        Very Hungry Caterpillar Day

3/21:         Nutrition Week Begins

3/24:        School Pictures

3/25:        School Pictures

3/25:        Egg Hunt

3/25:         Spring Party




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