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Mrs. Lynda Loos - Third Grade

All About Third Grade

   Welcome to Mrs. Loos’s Class!

In THIRD GRADE, students ‘read to learn’.

Through books and the internet, you will find students engaged in reading, writing, 

science, technology, engineering, art, math, and “travel the world”.

 We learn about ourselves and our family history, and we follow the rules to become

safe, responsible, and respectful citizens. 

We research and learn about inventors and famous Americans,

great leaders, authors, phases of the moon and countries

through many fun and interesting projects as  

“lifelong learners”.

Third Grade is great!  Let’s make this year the best one yet!!



Updated Saturday 09-14-2024 02:32pm

Classroom Notes

Week of September 16
Progress Reports are on ALMA and we are now heading to the end of the quarter, October 18.  Students can raise their grades during this time.
Five Week Projects:  The Family History project was due on Friday, September 13.  It counts as 60% of their Social Studies and Speaking/Listening grades in Language Arts.  Our next project will be recording in the Moon Journals.  We will complete some of this in class.  it will go home on October 3 and students will record at home from October 4 to October 18.  They will return the Moon Journal each school day to be graded and shared with the class.
Reading / Language Arts:  Students will reading Adventures in Words and The Upside Down Boy in class.  Vocabulary words are desires, entry, steep, speed, breezy, conductor, press, convey, chronicle, creative.  Spelling words have long ‘i’ sounds:  slight, mile, sight, pie, mind, tie, pilot, might, lie, tight, blind, fight, height, midnight, follow, toe, boast, open, frighten, silent, excite, combine.  Grammar will review making plural nouns by and ‘s’ and ‘es’.
Math:  Students are working in Topic 3, enVision Math.  They will apply properties of multiplication facts for 3,4,6, 7, and 8.  Students will learn and work with the Associative Property of Multiplication, Commutative (order) Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property of Multiplication,Identity (One) Property of Multiplication, multiples, products, and Sero Property of Multiplication.  Homework will review what they are learning in class.
Science:  There will be a quiz on Weather and Climate on Friday.  The review is in the homework folder.  We are growing beans, radishes, corn, and beans.
Social Studies:  Students are learning about communities and government in Studies Weekly.
Dates to Remember:  
9/16:  Early Dismissal / no extended care 11:30
9/18:  Quizzes on Upside Down Boy (see resources on my website)
9/19:  Vocabulary Test and Comprehension Test 9see resources on my website)
9/20:  Spelling, DLR, and Grammar Tests. (Daily Language Review is on my website under resources.)
9/20:  Weather Quiz
9/23:  Picture Day / Wear uniforms and a big smile
10/4:  No school, Teacher Professional Development Day
10/18:  Moon Journal due / Book in a Bag information goes home
10/18:  End of Quarter
Mrs. Loos


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