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July Newsletter

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer and having a wonderful time with family and friends.  We are in the middle of an amazing summer camp filled with specialty projects, friends, and fun! Outdoor activities have been limited due to the extreme heat but your Merryhill teachers have kept students…
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June Newsletter

As we close another successful school year I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the families of Merryhill Grand Teton who make up our school community. Your involvement and support throughout the year is sincerely appreciated by all of us at Merryhill. To our students: Congratulations on the completion…
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May Newsletter

Welcome to the last month of our school year. The year has gone by so quickly and we’ve accomplished many milestones, learned new concepts, shared creative ideas, and made a lot of new friends. Congratulations to all students for the amazing success you reached in reading for the Reading Challenge….
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April Newsletter

Happy Spring to all our Merryhill families. First and foremost I would like to thank all our families for welcoming me with such loving and open arms as your new principal. I look forward to being part of our Grand Teton Merryhill family!! We had so much fun in March celebrating…
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Summer Camp

Preschool Camp Brochure 2017

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