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June News

June Newsletter A Note from Our Principal Get ready for an awesome summer! Our teachers and staff are busy planning a fun and unforgettable experience for our students. From sports and games to arts and science exploration, it will be a summer of fun. June is here and with that…
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May News

A Note from Our Principal  Merryhill Families, As we enter the beautiful month of May, I am excited to share all the fun spring activities our preschoolers have been enjoying. From celebrating Week of the Young Child to releasing ladybugs on Earth Day, our students have been very busy! This…
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April News

A Note from Our Principal  Happy April! This month, we are looking forward to spending even more time exploring the outdoors with your children. Spring provides a great opportunity for them to learn and grow as they discover new things in their environment. Our teachers are planning outdoor games, lessons,…
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March News

A Note from Our Principal March is National Reading Month. Thank you to all who participated in our book drive in February for the Pajama Program. We collected just over 40 books! This month, our teachers have exciting activities planned, including reading and reenacting favorite books, introducing students to new…
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February News

A Note From Our Principal  The year is off to a great start and we’re enjoying spending the winter season with you and your children. If you’ve not already done so, please send in an extra set of weather appropriate clothes for your child. We want everyone to be able…
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